
Next uniform order will be placed on Wednesday 29th of May to allow time for orders to be processed and items delivered in preparation for Term 3.

Beulah Primary School is proud of our Beulah blue uniform and request that all students come to school in full uniform. Below is a list of uniform items. Parents/carers are requested to inform school staff of any situation that involves students attending school not in correct uniform. Our school uniform policy is currently being reviewed and updated which will include all the necessary information on what is acceptable and not acceptable, rules and processes. A termly order will be offered to families wanting to purchase new uniform and will be included in the newsletter. Alternatively families have the option of putting in a special order at their own expense or purchasing from stock stored on site at the school. Our supplies on site include second hand clothes which are readily made available to families to use and return. Ordering will be completed through the school office and an attached order list is available below or upon request from the office. If you have any questions relating to school uniform you can contact the school for futher clarification.

Uniform Price List 23-24.pdf