Welcome to
Beulah Primary School
Beulah Business
Stay up to date with the latest news and find out what is happening at the school.
Join us on Walk Safely to School Day
On Friday the 10th of May the school will be meeting at the Beulah Business Centre at 8:30am. From there we will walk to the school as a group and arrive to a cooked breakfast, fruit platters and freshly made smoothies.

Landscape Master Plan
Beulah Primary School has engaged laimiga design studio to prepare a landscape master plan for the school to provide a road map for the future.
The plan is a detailed functional layout of the school to provide direction for guidance and future development. The plan will aim to capture the aspirations and vision of the school community, considering the opportunities for activities within the school. These works will be done in stages and the landscape master plan will support the schools endeavours to attain grants to help subsidise the works we want to happen.
At the present we are in a consultation process and want to hear from people in the Beulah community. Survey forms can be printed from this website, or located at the school office or via the Beulah Business Centre to give your insights into the design or alternatively you could attend our consultation day at the Beulah Primary School on Monday 20th of May at either the 9am or 3:15pm information sessions.
The Town of Beulah
The township of Beulah is a prosperous agricultural community between Hopetoun and Brim. Beulah owes its origins to the arrival of the early pastoralists in the mid 1800’s who were following the course of the Yarriambiack Creek as it flowed north to Lake Corrong near Hopetoun. Beulah claims that it's the closest town to the netting fence they built in the forlorn hope of containing the hordes of dogs. The erection of the fence commenced in 1885, and was constructed by the Victorian Government, as a measure to control wild dogs (dingoes) and foxes from the north and rabbits from the south.
The picturesque Yarriambiack Creek that runs through Beulah is a true oasis, with walking tracks and picnic and camping areas stretching along its serene banks. A caravan park including new Creekside cabins with public amenities is located beside the creek.
The scenic Yarriambiack Creek that flows through Beulah is a relaxing retreat and has walking tracks and picnic and camping areas stretching along its serene banks. Powered and non powered boating is permitted. The Beulah Opportunity Shop is a haven for vintage hunters.
Murals depicting Beulah’s heritage scatter the township and a tour booklet can be purchased from the Beulah Business and Information Centre located in Phillip’s Street. The Centre also provides tourist information, internet access, cafe, meeting room hire, administrative and banking assistance, Australia Post and historical research.
This information was sourced from the Yarriambiack Shire Council website. Click on the link to find out more information about this region, townships to visit and what they each have to offer. To find out more information about Beulah click on the button below.
Principal's Welcome
CHILD SAFETY – Our Commitment to Child Safety at Beulah Primary School
Beulah Primary School is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. Beulah Primary School has zero tolerance for child abuse. To see all of the schools policies relating to child safety and wellbeing please visit the school's policy page.
The school will use the Working with Children Suitabilitiy Check Flowchart in accordance with relevant policies to determine if a person working or volunteering at the school or in a school activitiy if children are present. People must have a current Working with Children Check and present it to staff before commencing any child related work. You can apply for one by clicking on the image below.